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Enable the Gift option at checkout

Slerp offers Gifting as an option for the customers on the checkout screen. Customers can choose it, and type a customized gift note.

Below you can find the procedure to enable and customize the Gifting option.

  1. Login to Slerp Controls Dashboard
  2. Navigate to the 'Designer' tab
  3. Click on 'Shop' and 'Configure' respectively
  4. When you scroll down, you'll have the Gifting option to be enabled and configured on the left pane

    1. Gifting can be enabled/disabled. This way the option will be visible or not on the checkout screen.
    2. Gifting price can be defined. To make it free, you can type '0'.
    3. The gifting description can be customized to define the gifting service that you would like to provide, such as a customized gift note and/or gift wrap.
    4. The gifting note placeholder can be used to guide customers on what details to add in the gifting note text field.
  5. With the above-seen configuration, customers will have the following gifting section on the checkout screen.

Please note that a 750-character limit has been introduced for gift notes to prevent any production issues. Customers will be instructed to remove any excess characters above 750 before they can save the gift note at checkout.