Payout Reconciliation Report

What is Payout Reconciliation Report?

The Payout Reconciliation Report shows the relevant Stripe Automatic Payout ID for each transaction, as well as its order details, ordered amount, fees and net transferred amount (payou tamount)


Each line shows;

  • Stripe Automatic Payout ID
  • Automatic Payout Effective Date
  • Stripe Connected Account ID
  • Stripe Balance Transaction ID
  • Created (Order Created Date)
  • Available Date
  • Currency
  • Order #
  • GTV (Order Total) 
  • GMV (Product Total) 
  • Customer Delivery Charge 
  • Partner Delivery Subsidisation 
  • Slerp Commission (Incl. VAT) 
  • Transaction Fee (Excl. VAT) 
  • Transferred Amount 
  • Stripe Reporting Category
  • Stripe Source ID
  • Description
  • Location Name


Please also see the article How to Export the Payout Reconciliation Report?