Auto-print or Manually print orders

Manually print order 

  1. Connect your Bluetooth printer via your tablet settings. Learn how to connect your printer via Bluetooth here.
  2. Open Slerp app 
  3. Tap on an accepted or completed order 
  4. Tap Print

Auto-print orders on acceptance 

Set your orders to automatically print when you accept them. You will continue to be able to manually print orders as well. 

  1. Connect your Bluetooth printer via your tablet settings: Learn how to connect your printer via Bluetooth here.
  2. Open Slerp app 
  3. Tap Account > Settings 
  4. Turn on Auto-print on acceptance 
  5. Tap Save 
  6. Return to dashboard 

Please ensure you are running the latest version of the Slerp app. Check the latest Slerp app version here.

Next Steps: Processing orders on your tablet