Insights Analytics Page Overview

A brief overview of the Slerp Controls Insights Analytics page.

The Insights Analytics page found in the Slerp Controls Administration Page offers you a brief overview of your overall performance, or specific location's performance over a monthly, weekly or current time frame. 

This includes details for your fulfilment types, top  product performance, order platform breakdown and more. 

Sections Breakdown

  1. Store filter, separated into a global view or by each individual store
  2. A date range filter to apply to the various data below
  3. Aggregated order information for the selected time frame
  4. A total order overview including orders that are currently pending and refunded. 

Orders Overview
An hourly or daily breakdown of order revenue indicating peaks and dips in your revenue stream


Order Types and Fulfilment Types
A breakdown of the most and least popular Order Types and Fulfilment Types for the selected time period.


Order Status Breakdown
A breakdown of the current Order Statuses for all orders inserted and due for fulfilment in the above time period. 


Orders Platform Breakdown 
A breakdown of the platforms used to place orders from


Top Products Overview
A breakdown of the Top Performing Products by sales and GMV for the selected period